Category: News
Local Councils in Community Partnerships Have their Hands Tied
It is clear from the Guidance produced by Nuclear Waste Services that (despite recent denials to the contrary) local councils who signed up to the South Copeland GDF Community Partnership (and one assumes all the other Partnerships in Mid Copeland, Allerdale and Theddlethorpe) did so to access the promised £1m a year funding. This is […]
Demonstration Planned at Millom Town Council Office
Join us to demonstrate Thursday, 21st July, 09.45 a.m. outside Millom Town Council Office, 6 Newton Street, Millom. Make your own banners, music, drums… See you there. No to seismic surveys, No to GDF, We Want A Voice, You don’t speak for me/us, We Weren’t Asked!
Millom and Haverigg ‘being conned’ by nuclear industry over waste dump, claims former Councillor
A Millom resident, who recently resigned from her local council in disgust at the shenanigans she witnessed, has claimed that the residents and elected members of Millom and Haverigg and surrounding villages are ‘being conned’ with lies and false promises from Nuclear Waste Services and some members of the local South Copeland GDF Community Partnership. […]
Millom and District protestors concerned over nuclear waste site proposals
“PROTESTORS attended an event in Haverigg to protest the proposed siting of a Geological Disposal Facility (GDF) off the coast of Copeland. 20 locals from a newly created group called Millom and District Against Nuclear Waste Dump attended an information event held by The South Copeland GDF Community Partnership.” Read more here..